Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Don Trahan's Peak Performance Swing

I'm always leery of FREE things. Especially when they're being given away by someone who has something to protect. In blogs PGA Master Professional Don Trahan referenced great ball striker Moe Norman and Ben Hogan. He noted attempts to recreate their actions.

Now, he's promoting a perfect swing. With a son on the PGA Tour, with just two wins, I must wonder; is he concerned about a generation of golfers who CAN hit it like Moe Norman or Ben Hogan?

As a father I can attest that no price is too large to fulfill my sons dreams. If those dreams were a lucrative career on tour then I would make every effort to sway other golfers from gaining the ability to beat my boy.

Just a thought, there is a lot of money and effort being put into FREE advice. It makes one wonder, WHY?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Golf is a game of... 413 things

The watermelon caper
A typical Titanic exploit occurred when Thompson was driving back from White County in Illinois. As he approached Wadesville, he passed a watermelon truck. His mind started clicking and on the other side of town he stopped and waited for the truck. When it came, Ti flagged it down.

"How much do you want for those watermelons?" Ti asked. "Twenty cents," the man answered.

"No, I mean for all of them." Ti countered.

"Well, I don’t know, maybe $75," the farmer replied, ready to negotiate a lower price if that startled this strange customer.

"I’ll give you $200 for the load, but there’s something you must do for me." Ti said.

"What is that?" answered the man thinking of his good fortune, wondering if this slick looking man was jesting with him.

"I want you to unload and count each one and then put them back on the truck and come by the McCurdy Hotel at four this afternoon. You look like an honest man so I’ll give you the $200 right now." explained Ti, also giving the man a card with his phone number. "Call me at this number this afternoon with the total. If you do this you can keep the $200 and the watermelons too." Old timers will recall that in the war years, the lobby and the front porch of the McCurdy Hotel was the social center of Evansville. It was said that more oil wells were drilled there, more deals were made and more gossip swapped than anywhere in town.

It was also the watering hole for all the gamblers who ate in the Java Shop and then killed time in the lobby talking, waiting for the night when the poker games would begin. About three o’clock Ti arrived reporting on his leases in Illinois and inquiring about whether the night’s action would be cards or pool.

The stage is set
Shortly before four o’clock Ti got up, stretched and walked out on the porch. "Boys, come look at this," he yelled. "I haven’t seen a load of fresh watermelons since I left Texas. I’d better hail that fellow down and buy me one."

Some of the others agreed that a fresh watermelon would be a tasty treat. They all gathered around the truck. One asked, "How much you want?

"Quarter apiece," the still befuddled driver answered.

" Sounds like a fair price to me," Ti said. "Does a fellow get his pick?"

The farmer nodded his head in agreement. Thompson stepped forward and picked one up and then placed it back on the pile.

"Wait a minute," he said. "This reminds me of something I was pretty good at when I was a boy back in Arkansas. Folks used to say that I was just about the best at guessing the number of things in a bunch. I got a hundred dollars says I can come within five melons of the total on this truck."

"Ti, if your serious and want to throw a hundred dollars away," said one of the gamblers. "I’ll call that bet right now."

"I’ll take $100 of that too," said another.

"Hell," said yet another. "I’ll give you two-to-one odds and pay this fellow $10 to unload and count them out."

Ti feigned surprise. "Looks like I left my mouth open too long. I ain’t done this in a long time but since I made the wager. I ‘spect I’m obligated to cover all the bets."

Missed by two
Tilting his hat back, Ti stepped out on Riverside Drive, walked around the truck, looked at it from all sides, scratching his head, figuring and frowning. After several minutes of this drama, he got back on the porch, looked at the truck some more and then moaned, "Oh, Hell, I’m gonna guess there’s four hundred thirteen melons there."

This drama had attracted a sizable crowd watching the driver unload his melons, counting as he went. When the last one was laid down, there were 415 melons counted.

"Well," grinned Ti, "missing by two ain’t bad for being out of practice and all."

There was a stunned silence on the porch of the McCurdy. Those who had lost money betting on such a crazy proposition could not believe they had been drawn into such a wild scheme. Casual observers viewed Thompson as some kind of mystic with strange powers.

The truck driver began the chore of reloading the melons. He would have a sore back the next day but he would make a sizable profit on his improbable day’s work.

Ti collected almost $1,000 from his fellow gamblers then excused himself saying he wanted to take a little nap before the night’s action. "Wanna be ready tonight," he smiled. "I’m on a roll."

By J. Jeff Hayes

Friday, August 14, 2009

Mr. Hogan's Birthday passes

Yesterday would have been Ben Hogan's 97th birthday. Ben Hogan, unlike so many left a legacy which has outlived him. Due in large part to the golfers who have made Mr. Hogan a point of interest to so many.

One of those golfers is quite possibly the most sought after speaker in all of golf; Johnny Miller. Miller's nineteen year stint with NBC has been a series of tributes to Mr. Hogan. The desert fox enjoyed a highly successful career on tour but his contributions to golf and Mr. Hogan have since been a boon to the current generation.

With any luck Johnny Miller's message will persevere in an era when many would rather believe that Ben Hogan isn't so prolific. As long as Johnny Miller is in the booth Ben Hogan's name will be visited with the reverie he deserves.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Golf isn't supporting Ben Hogan's Legacy

In Mr. Hogan's lifetime he did more for the game of golf than we give him credit for. Unfortunately too many golfers would rather Mr. Hogan had done nothing at all. At least nothing in the arena of instruction.
Instead Hogan had the foresight and courage to co-author the most comprehensive golf instruction book to date. Golfers and teaching professionals who can't understand "Ben Hogan's Five Lessons; The Modern Fundamentals of Golf" are shamelessly compelled to discredit anyone who can. It's a sad state when "for the good of the game" no longer matters to so many.
One sizable golf forum won't even permit golfers to post threads on the subject of "Ben Hogan" anymore. Not surprisingly this forum was started and is administered by persons who are in the business of instructing golf. Just not Ben Hogan's Five Lessons.
Although the heading at the top of their forum reads "This forum was created to help golfers of all skill levels to improve their game. As this forum is named, it is an Academy with Instructors that will come from different schools of thought. One is not necessarily better than the other nor will one method fit all. We will allow thoughtful and spirited discussions but, no personal attacks. This is an opportunity for everyone to bring their thoughts and issues to the range without fear of being ridiculed." The very man who is credited by many with being the best ball-striker to have played the game can't even be discussed.
For instruction most golf pros would rather you didn't see click here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hogan's Angle on "Ben Hogan's Five Lessons; The Modern Fundamentals of Golf"

"Ben Hogan's Five Lessons; The Modern Fundamentals of Golf" is the best selling sports "how to" book on the market. It is the second best selling golf book. Unlike Jack Nicklaus "Golf My Way" or Tiger Woods' "How I Play Golf" "Ben Hogan's Five Lessons" deals in blanket terms which apply to swinging the golf club in basic terms. However, Hogan was and is so advanced, that his basic terms are irreplaceable.

If you think in terms of value. He carved virtually every stone necessary in constructing an arch. The only remaining piece was the keystone. The one item which would create the most structurally sound architectural feature known to man (geodesic domes not withstanding).

Much of my research has been in reference to the composition of the keystone. I am currently recording podcasts in which I apply Hogan's Angle to the instruction in "Ben Hogan's Five Lessons; The Modern Fundamentals of Golf". That tutelage will tie it all together. Beyond understanding the purpose behind "Five Lessons" the opportunity to expand on one's ability to control distance, trajectory and shot shape will remain.

Truly, the abilities acquired through utilizing Hogan's Angle and developing a repeating swing built on the fundamentals in "Five Lessons" will completely alter the way the game is played.

I've included a simple self study test to aid in understanding the basic reason Hogan's Angle is naturally superior. I leave some deduction to the tester to help enable your ability to rationalize Hogan's Angle in your own terms.

To give you an idea of what is to come, open your copy of "Five Lessons" to page 99 and evaluate the instruction given there, in reference to this test.

I can't possibly express my excitement when I receive correspondence which states, in no specific terms, "I don't get it" or "what exactly does this instruction mean?"

It's the best kind of correspondence. I experienced something similar in 2000 when my notions of how a golf swing ought to be engineered around the shot path was suspended. I was standing on the tee of what may be the most difficult tee shot I have faced. A 460 yard par four which bent right. There was o.b. all along the left and immediately off the front of the tee box was a forty foot tall tree. The tree made it impossible to play a draw and unless the markers were all the way at the back of the tee box driving the ball over the tree was impossible. A straight shot which barely missed the tree would go o.b. if it traveled more than 260. Playing an iron off the tee would almost always assure an approach from the fairway but unless it went at least 230 the lie was on a side hill. A fairway wood would bring o.b. into play, or at least the trees along the left.

I selected a driver, in spite of the obvious challenge and, as I stood over the shot, my mind lapsed into an unforgettable moment. An epiphany, in which I envisioned a line from the ball, out in front of me but slightly to the left. That line was so incredibly clear that I couldn't forget it. However, if I attempted to hit the ball along it I would be trying to hit the ball over a house, into a street and surely o.b.

I immediately disregarded that clear, direct instruction and proceeded to play an utterly forgettable shot. That winter though, as the season was coming to a close, I decided to deliberately hit some "shanks". Not in the customary terms, catching the ball on the hozel. Rather, by hitting the ball squarely on the club face, but with the face wide open and the clubs path dramatically from the inside. So much so that the ball would surely travel along that line I had envisioned.

What happened instead was a squaring of the club-face which I couldn't prevent and an involuntary path which, although the club-head approached from the inside would straighten and then return to the inside. Ala Ben Hogan!

Since then, the developments and potential for still more development has been so utterly compelling! It's almost impossible to comprehend that anyone who had the information available to them... Anyone who could get 'on angle' wouldn't?

Beyond enjoying Hogan's Angle, I've elected to learn the game left-handed, which has furthered my understanding exponentially. I also couldn't, in good conscience, make Hogan's Angle available without first establishing a means by which Hogan's Angle could be applied to putting. That has been the most arduous task. I've tested numerous possibilities and, because I don't have Mr. Hogan's teachings to help me along, approached the same kind of bliss on the greens more slowly. The information in my original thesis holds true. It is, however, left to interpretation. Because my understanding was limited at the time of it's release, I was able to experiment. Those experiments have netted a technique, which (thankfully) is every bit as expansive as Hogan's Angle on full shots.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hogan-Guldahl Gap

The parallels between Ralph Guldahl and Ben Hogan are tremendous. Both Texas born, within nine months of each other. Hogan turned professional in 1930. Guldahl turned professional in 1931. They both had success, although Guldahl realized success immediately and enjoyed it on a fairly continual basis until 1940 when his game fell apart. In his first decade he won 16 times including three majors and was considered the best player in the game from 1937 to 1939. During which time he won three majors.
Hogan struggled up until 1940 when he won his first individual title (one of four). During the 1940's he won 53 tournaments, including three majors.
Guldahl's slide from number one to being unable to play competitively is widely attributed to an instruction book which he authored in 1940. It is said that he over-analyzed his swing. An effort which resulted in "paralysis by analysis."
Hogan authored an instruction book "Power Golf." Which was published in 1948. Although his more formative publication "Ben Hogan's Five Lessons; The Modern Fundamentals of Golf" would be published nearly a decade later. In that decade, despite a near death car accident, Hogan won 12 times, including six majors.
The distinction between the two; a golfer who realized success naturally then disseminated his ability over a book and a golfer who unearthed success then refined it in two books is apropos.
Guldahl realized success through a clear understanding of the demands of golf, then obliterated himself with objectivity. Hogan rationalized golf to an exhaustive point then arose with simple keys to the swing. The cases are suggestive of how golfers digest information. Complexity is hardly digestible.
Why do I bring this up? I do so in reference to the myriad of conjectures about how a golf swing should look. In Ralph Guldahl there was a golfer who became distracted by his form and lost the function of his swing.
In Ben Hogan there was a golfer who contended the typical assertions on the topic of form and developed the swing which functioned best.
We now look to Ben Hogan as an ideal of form because of how well his swing functioned. Even though his swing characteristics don't prescribe to archetypal ideals of form.
I am reminded of all the instruction which compares a students swing to a touring professionals. This is done from outside the swing, from the perspective of the swing coach. It's a Guldahl approach to golf: analyze the form and leave the function to the student. If the student is still able to function (as touring professionals are) they will benefit. If the student becomes lost in form their game will suffer (as Guldahls did.)
All great shots begin and end at impact. The purity of the shot is the result of impact. Oughtn't instruction focus on the cause of a good shot and relate the form of the swing back to its function?
This very question has lead me to perpetuate Hogan's Angle in a manner which is consistent with relaying information to students via impact. The intent of Hogan's Angle is not merely to correct the positions of one's hands, arms, hips, etc. The intent of Hogan's Angle is to give correct motion, correct form a purpose.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Golfwrx can't live up to its own goals

After illuminating a number of golfers on the subject of Hogan's Angle I was alarmed to realize that not all golfers were responsive to a solution to Ben Hogan's Secret. On the contrary, there were golfers who were downright angered by the prospect. Then, after contemplating the exchanges and evaluating responses, I came to a conclusion. These golfers were in crisis.

The responses consistent with crisis include;
shock: "I'm literally in tears watching this one
disbelief: "please check these videos out. it'd normally make me angry to see another person disrespect Ben Hogan and try to profit from his name but in this case i think it's so pathetic it's funny."
anger: "talk about raw meat thrown into the Colosseum...."
denial: "If this is true and it really is hogans secret. I stand to make alot of money. I have the goat hump pull move down!"
acceptance: "I found the 2 handed basketball pass interesting"

For sixty plus years Ben Hogan's Secret has been the single most central topic of conversation in golf. Golfers come and go, championships are won or lost, but the axiom that Ben Hogan set, an axiom which states that there is a secret superior way has persisted. Although Mr. Hogan defied discussing the subject of golf swing theory he eluded to its prevalence. In his book "Ben Hogan's Five Lessons; The Modern Fundamentals of Golf" on page 17 wrote, "As I see it, some measures long esteemed to be of paramount importance in the golf swing are really not important at all. On the other hand, certain other measures which have been considered to be of only secondary importance (or of no importance at all) strike me as being invaluable-"

In the subsequent lessons, Mr. Hogan laid out a series of fundamentals. Which, although greatly discussed, are entirely used by almost no one. Considering the pertinence of "measures which have been considered to be of only secondary importance" in Mr. Hogan's mind oughtn't the quest for Ben Hogan's Secret challenge the fundamentals which all golfers consider primary?

“Reverse every natural instinct and do the opposite of what you are inclined to do, and you will probably come very close to having a perfect golf swing.” Ben Hogan

The message at the top of reads:
This forum was created to help golfers of all skill levels to improve their game. As this forum is named, it is an Academy with Instructors that will come from different schools of thought. One is not necessarily better than the other nor will one method fit all. We will allow thoughtful and spirited discussions but, no personal attacks. This is an opportunity for everyone to bring their thoughts and issues to the range without fear of being ridiculed.

Yet, this is the topic they are running.
Golf Police Please Arrest This Guy (Hogan's Angle), Terrible golfer claiming he knows the secret to Hogan's swing

You be the judge.

post Feb 5 2009, 09:36 AM
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please check these videos out. it'd normally make me angry to see another person disrespect Ben Hogan and try to profit from his name but in this case i think it's so pathetic it's funny. i only had time to watch the ones on the basketball pass and the fade. i look forward to the others tomorrow.

i think his username here is bobbleberry or something like that.
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post Feb 5 2009, 09:40 AM
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I am particular interested to learn about 'Hogans iPhone'!!
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post Feb 5 2009, 11:15 AM
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QUOTE (nickGT @ Feb 5 2009, 08:40 AM) *
I am particular interested to learn about 'Hogans iPhone'!!

I have Hogan's iPhone number. You can get the secret direct:


Jenny will answer for Mr. Hogan. laugh.gif

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post Feb 5 2009, 11:38 AM
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Jenny, Jenny
Who can I turn to?
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post Feb 5 2009, 11:50 AM
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QUOTE (KevCarter @ Feb 5 2009, 11:15 AM) *
QUOTE (nickGT @ Feb 5 2009, 08:40 AM) *
I am particular interested to learn about 'Hogans iPhone'!!

I have Hogan's iPhone number. You can get the secret direct:


Jenny will answer for Mr. Hogan. laugh.gif


Yep, you are in form today!
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post Feb 5 2009, 01:02 PM
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This one made my day...and night! Good night.
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post Feb 5 2009, 01:10 PM
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Hopefully that doesn't give you nightmares KOC. See you tomorrow!

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post Feb 6 2009, 03:59 AM
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LoL at spaghetti arms.

Check out how much he pulled the 1st shot sad.gif

These videos make me feel good about my jaded swing.
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post Feb 6 2009, 05:08 AM
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I'm literally in tears watching this one

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post Feb 6 2009, 06:02 AM
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LMFAO!! This guy is hilarious!
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post Feb 6 2009, 07:08 AM
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Shooter McGavin

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QUOTE (nickGT @ Feb 6 2009, 03:59 AM) *
LoL at spaghetti arms.

Check out how much he pulled the 1st shot sad.gif

These videos make me feel good about my jaded swing.

"reasonable shot, didn't fade as much as i'd like"

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post Feb 6 2009, 07:32 AM
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QUOTE (Wsc04forever @ Feb 6 2009, 10:08 PM) *
QUOTE (nickGT @ Feb 6 2009, 03:59 AM) *
LoL at spaghetti arms.

Check out how much he pulled the 1st shot sad.gif

These videos make me feel good about my jaded swing.

"reasonable shot, didn't fade as much as i'd like"


He took his sweet time setting up at the trees too........I guess Hogan's angle was a goat humped, flip pull......aiming 'on angle' way right.
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post Feb 6 2009, 07:42 AM
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QUOTE (martinez @ Feb 6 2009, 12:32 PM) *
He took his sweet time setting up at the trees too........I guess Hogan's angle was a goat humped, flip pull......aiming 'on angle' way right.

If this is true and it really is hogans secret. I stand to make alot of money. I have the goat hump pull move down!

Also i love how the ball's apex is about 15feet.
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post Feb 6 2009, 07:46 AM
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I found the 2 handed basketball pass interesting
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post Feb 6 2009, 08:51 AM
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Wow.....this guy has to put down the crack pipe! If Hogan was still alive I am pretty sure he would track him down and rip his tongue out so he could never speak again. Just remember there is no cure for stupid and this guy is the poster child of that very true statement.
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post Feb 6 2009, 09:01 AM
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you have to check out his website he even has a sections to request a clinic.. cheesy.gif ....I am not joking. He listed his phone number on there too......should we call him???hahahaha
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post Feb 6 2009, 09:16 AM
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QUOTE (rms25thta @ Feb 6 2009, 08:51 AM) *
Wow.....this guy has to put down the crack pipe! If Hogan was still alive I am pretty sure he would track him down and rip his tongue out so he could never speak again. Just remember there is no cure for stupid and this guy is the poster child of that very true statement.

Hogan would be a busy man the last 10 years
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post Feb 6 2009, 09:50 AM
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I think you mean a 'wanted' man. wink.gif
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post Feb 6 2009, 10:04 AM
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QUOTE (martinez @ Feb 6 2009, 04:08 AM) *
I'm literally in tears watching this one


I think he's being so quiet because he doesn't want to wake his parents up!!
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post Feb 6 2009, 10:14 AM
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QUOTE (CooGAR @ Feb 6 2009, 10:04 AM) *
QUOTE (martinez @ Feb 6 2009, 04:08 AM) *
I'm literally in tears watching this one


I think he's being so quiet because he doesn't want to wake his parents up!!

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post Feb 6 2009, 12:58 PM
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QUOTE (Swing_King @ Feb 6 2009, 07:02 AM) *
LMFAO!! This guy is hilarious!

I think if Hogan was still alive he'd personally go to that guy's house and wrap a 1-iron around his head. cheesy.gif
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post Feb 6 2009, 01:06 PM
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QUOTE (eightiron @ Feb 6 2009, 07:46 AM) *

I found the 2 handed basketball pass interesting

I agree he might have been onto something with that. But he's so concerned about protecting his "angle" secret there's no follow thru.
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post Feb 6 2009, 01:29 PM
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QUOTE (nickGT @ Feb 6 2009, 03:59 AM) *
LoL at spaghetti arms.

Check out how much he pulled the 1st shot sad.gif

These videos make me feel good about my jaded swing.

He just about knocks himself over in the finish. Did someone here just post a link on his Youtube thread to this thread... ooh no... he's coming here. Will he garner a mega thread?
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post Feb 6 2009, 03:08 PM
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QUOTE (finalist @ Feb 7 2009, 04:29 AM) *
QUOTE (nickGT @ Feb 6 2009, 03:59 AM) *
LoL at spaghetti arms.

Check out how much he pulled the 1st shot sad.gif

These videos make me feel good about my jaded swing.

He just about knocks himself over in the finish. Did someone here just post a link on his Youtube thread to this thread... ooh no... he's coming here. Will he garner a mega thread?

I think we could have another mega thread if he sticks around....his username is his posts.

It would be a very different mega thread from the Sevam1 thread.
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post Feb 6 2009, 03:13 PM
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QUOTE (martinez @ Feb 6 2009, 02:08 PM) *
I think we could have another mega thread if he sticks around....his username is his posts.

It would be a very different mega thread from the Sevam1 thread.

I think that ship has sailed here. Maybe he should give B-S-G or Golf Discussions a shot. laugh.gif

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post Feb 6 2009, 03:21 PM
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That video reminds me a little of this Video !

May the Hogan Force BE With You !
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post Feb 6 2009, 03:22 PM
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QUOTE (KevCarter @ Feb 6 2009, 03:13 PM) *
QUOTE (martinez @ Feb 6 2009, 02:08 PM) *
I think we could have another mega thread if he sticks around....his username is his posts.

It would be a very different mega thread from the Sevam1 thread.

I think that ship has sailed here. Maybe he should give B-S-G or Golf Discussions a shot. laugh.gif


he PM'd me an analysis of 8irons swing. should i post it?
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post Feb 6 2009, 04:23 PM
Post #28

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QUOTE (jduncanm3 @ Feb 6 2009, 02:22 PM) *
QUOTE (KevCarter @ Feb 6 2009, 03:13 PM) *
QUOTE (martinez @ Feb 6 2009, 02:08 PM) *
I think we could have another mega thread if he sticks around....his username is his posts.

It would be a very different mega thread from the Sevam1 thread.

I think that ship has sailed here. Maybe he should give B-S-G or Golf Discussions a shot. laugh.gif


he PM'd me an analysis of 8irons swing. should i post it?

More fuel on the fire? I would not post it. JMO

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post Feb 6 2009, 04:41 PM
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QUOTE (jduncanm3 @ Feb 6 2009, 02:22 PM) *
he PM'd me an analysis of 8irons swing. should i post it?

No. I wouldn't. It was a personal message. What would that prove?

What are you all trying to prove here? laugh.gif
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post Feb 6 2009, 08:56 PM
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QUOTE (magnum184 @ Feb 6 2009, 04:41 PM) *
QUOTE (jduncanm3 @ Feb 6 2009, 02:22 PM) *
he PM'd me an analysis of 8irons swing. should i post it?

No. I wouldn't. It was a personal message. What would that prove?

What are you all trying to prove here? laugh.gif

Jduncanm the request of some members I will retract this post...reluctantly

BTW you can call out Sicefixer when he is around Not when he is isn't...take your chances then with your needle

This post has been edited by eightiron: Feb 6 2009, 09:40 PM
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post Feb 6 2009, 09:04 PM
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Relax people and be a gentleman.
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post Feb 6 2009, 09:05 PM
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QUOTE (eightiron @ Feb 6 2009, 08:56 PM) *
QUOTE (magnum184 @ Feb 6 2009, 04:41 PM) *
QUOTE (jduncanm3 @ Feb 6 2009, 02:22 PM) *
he PM'd me an analysis of 8irons swing. should i post it?

No. I wouldn't. It was a personal message. What would that prove?

What are you all trying to prove here? laugh.gif

Jduncanm ...take care of your own got problems being an arrogant new yorker with no golfing abilitiy...yes thats right NONE...i call BS on ya stories ...your 4 hnd would be 12 where Im from which means ya need 16 start playing against me....Dont care if I get a ban...go f yourself..used to that are you not

dude, calm down, the guy pm'd me analysis of your swing ... lots of people commented on your swing (mostly positive) in the hogan thread because you posted it there for all to see. i asked if i should post his analysis, people said no, so i didn't. what's the problem? not worth getting banned over and i really hope that you don't.

This post has been edited by jduncanm3: Feb 6 2009, 09:46 PM
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post Feb 6 2009, 09:12 PM
Post #33

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Must be a full moon.... and talk about raw meat thrown into the Colosseum....
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post Feb 6 2009, 10:15 PM
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post Feb 6 2009, 11:10 PM
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QUOTE (eightiron @ Feb 6 2009, 08:56 PM) *
QUOTE (magnum184 @ Feb 6 2009, 04:41 PM) *
QUOTE (jduncanm3 @ Feb 6 2009, 02:22 PM) *
he PM'd me an analysis of 8irons swing. should i post it?

No. I wouldn't. It was a personal message. What would that prove?

What are you all trying to prove here? laugh.gif

Jduncanm the request of some members I will retract this post...reluctantly

BTW you can call out Sicefixer when he is around Not when he is isn't...take your chances then with your needle

What are you talking about?
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post Feb 6 2009, 11:29 PM
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QUOTE (eightiron @ Feb 6 2009, 08:56 PM) *
Jduncanm ...take care of your own got problems being an arrogant new yorker with no golfing abilitiy...yes thats right NONE...i call BS on ya stories ...your 4 hnd would be 12 where Im from which means ya need 16 start playing against me....Dont care if I get a ban...go f yourself..used to that are you not
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